BGN 34.00


The Catch’N’Release Merino Wool Socks

Paying tribute to Fly Fishing, these socks will be perfect for slushy days on the hill or getting into deep water. Quick-drying and odor-free Merino Wool will keep your feet fresh for days.

64% Merion Wool; 35 % PA; 1% EL

merino wool fabric produced in Italy

thinner sock fabric structure

breathable anty-itchy merino wool fabric

temperature-regulating structure keeps you cool in the summer and warm in the winter

repels unpleasant odors

keeps your skin hydrated without feeling damp

takes the moisture away from the skin

natural UV protection

comfortable upper band

natural fabric

extra soft
elastic arch and ankle support
cushioned arch
padded toe

*Stinky Socks Sticker Included with the pack

Available sizes: S-M; L-XL

heat scale